A downloadable game for Windows

Snake Eyes is a project made for my Senior Design capstone. Sponsored by Atomic Arcade Studios, my team and I have developed a perk system prototype for a 3-D melee combat game in the Unreal Engine. 

There are over 25 perks, each augmenting the gameplay in some style. Perk types are listed under the Perks button in the main menu. There are 3 levels in the game, a basic level that allows the player to test out the mechanics and perk types, a grey-block level that has more complex terrain and a few enemies, and the final fully-rendered level that includes an underground area where the player can traverse using certain see-in-the-dark perks. 

This project was completed over the course of the Fall 2023 semester at North Carolina State and was presented at the semi-annual poster and pies event the Computer Science Department hosts for all senior design teams to present their work to a wide audience of sponsors, faculty, friends, and family.

Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RBsMpm9KD_y6Ha6tWlvu5qkP-CKXe3md/view?usp=drive...


AWSD - Movement

Spacebar - Jump

Tab - Perform activation perk action

Q - Cycle through activation perks

Left-Click - Attack

Right-Click - Block

Updated 29 days ago
AuthorsNyela, bimskuit, Aaron King, zenntavros, rakthalekk


Snake Eyes Perk prototype v0.7.3
User Guide.pdf 26 MB

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